The process
For more than a hundred years, Erzsébetváros in Budapest has occupied a central place in the cultural life of the capital and even the country. This is where modern Hungarian literature and music and the literary chanson and cabaret of artistic quality were born and flourished over the years. We wanted to present this cultural heritage in the image of Kismező, which was also named by our creative team.
The owner of the restaurant wanted to replace the former Pesti Disznó brand with a fresh and modern, but still lovable image. Our goal was to blend the patina of the area with contemporary graphics. In the montage elements, the motifs of bohemian cultural life meet the rich flora of the fields and create a unique Mediterranean and – at the same time – a 18th century Pest mixture.
In the photos taken for social media platforms, we also display this hedonistic world, emphasizing the gastronomic concept of the restaurant and the joy of food sharing.
We announced the news of Kismező in an exclusive article in the Dining Guide, and then guests could taste the new menu during a press lunch.
services: branding & design & social & pr
year: 2022
client: Kismező