Gay Hussar
The process
A few years ago a gin revolution started in Hungary. Among many competitors it is difficult to stand out but in March of 2022 we launched a new nature gin to the Hungarian market: Gay Hussar, who is up for this challenge.
We used three-phase PR communication.
It was important to reach a real target group. During the teaser period prominent faces of the underground world and our friends posted about the gin. The one's who still drink this gin.
Gay Hussar debuted at an event. We selected one of the most popular places, the Telep Gallery, where we also made an installation about the origin of the name and the drink.
After the event we arranged interviews for Dani on Filéző's podcast and in Hyper and Hyper. Our most important feedback was that the product sold out at the end our campaign.
Next to the PR campaign we started the brands social media communication. Since this is the first Hungarian nature gin, this was a key element in our campaign. On the other hand, due to the complexity of the name we take a great interested in the history of the “Gay Hussar empire”. We also keep the followers informed about the new locations, awards and receipts.
services: social & pr
year: 2022
client: Gay Hussar